Once an order is placed, our warehouse staffs can pack and ship out your order within 24 hours, so it's not always possible to process address change requests. If you notice an error, please email us ASAP with your name and order # so we can try to make a correction(s) to your package before it departs. There's no guarantee we can make it, especially once it leaves our warehouse, but we'll do everything we can!
As Seen On
Intense Stimulation
This new generation of condoms is proven to enhance stimulation. It feels so soft and comfortable that you’ll barely notice wearing it, allowing you and your partner to feel everything and more.
Feel your stimulation in real
This new generation of condoms is proven to enhance stimulation. It feels so soft and comfortable that you’ll barely notice wearing it, allowing you and your partner to feel everything.
Get ready to have your mind blown away all over again in a even shorter amount of time!!
Take Your Sex To The Next level!
The Real Teach Stimulation Condom is the perfect condom to take your sex game to a whole new level. The Thorns on the condom are smooth yet firm enough for that perfect texture that will make your partner go crazy.
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30-Days return
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Secured Transaction
Your transaction will be 100% secured. Your data will not leak by us
Express Shipping
Our shipments are discreet with only your address and name shown on the box.
What Our Customers Think!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I change my shipping address after my order has been placed?
How long is the processing period?
Will my order come in one package?
Do you ship internationally?
How can I track my order?